Monday, February 18, 2008

Project 2 Final Cut

Project 2 Credits

Optimash Prime:
Lead Caddy

Alex Styler:
Artificial Intelligence Engineer
Lead Programmer
Lead Camera

Lucas Coyne:
Team Chaplain
Assistant Caddy
Bugging Lead

Michael Edelson:
Interface Engineer
Debugging Lead

Wesley Chu:
Special Effects Artist
Talent Handler

Project 2 Results

Over 15 trials with no training, selecting complex motions at random:
Average putt distance: 1.66 feet
Percentage of successful swings: 33%

After 50 iterations of training, altering primitive probabilities and eliminating unsuccessful swings:
Average putt distance: 5.28 feet
Percentage of successful swings: 73%

After learning a dramatic increase in performance is observed. With more iterations, even better swings will become more probable and more unsuccessful swings will be eliminated, further increasing performance. The servo speed, however, limits the robot from ever being a successful player beyond short putts.

Project 2 Stills

Project 2 Source Code

The source code for project 2 is available here. It starts with 3 or 4 primitive motions for each servo and creates random complex motions to execute. After execution it waits for feedback through the IR and a menu that we created. Possible feedback is No swing (wii remote didn't recognize the motion), distance ball traveled 1-20, or Switch Modes. During learning mode, the robot takes the feedback we give it, and weights the motions for each servo based on the level of success. Thus a motion that is involved in a good swing is much more likely to happen. During learning mode, doing the same swing multiple times is discouraged (50% chance to repick a swing the 2nd time, 30% the 3rd, etc) in order to encourage innovation. Swings that entirely fail, on the other hand, will not be selected again at all. Switching back to regular mode, the robot keeps the weighted probabilities from past learning, but will select good swings as many times as it wants.

For questions email us.

Project 2 Goals

Demonstrate automated learning with minimal human interaction. We will use Wii Sports to demonstrate how the robot can learn how to putt with a Wii remote. From random motions, the robot will learn which motions yield good results and combine primitive servo motions from good shots into better complex motions.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Going... going... gone!

Apparently Robot YMCA doesn't fall into the category of "parody".

This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by SCORPIO MUSIC S.A. / CAN’T STOP PRODUCTIONS INC. claiming that this material is infringing.

There's more but that sums it up.

Oh well, on to project 2.

Shh... link here.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Project One Final Cut

Hope you enjoyed it.

Project One Credits

Alex Styler:
Risk Management
Hair Stylist

Lucas Coyne:
Executive Producer
Choreographer Lead

Mike Edelson:
Lighting Technician
Public Relations

Wesley Chu:
Programming Lead
Stunt Double

The Leatherman - As Himself

The Village People
Casablanca Records (1979)

Project One Stills

Project One Source Code

The source code for project 1's dance contest is here. This java code can be substituted for the code in a new Dancer project. It looks for a ymca.mp3 on your SD card, which we cannot provide. The robotID integer is a flag to switch between which robot (1=Y, 2=M, 3=C, 4=A).

Project One Notes

The fourth robot actually shows an A on his chest panel on the 2nd chorus of YMCA. You just can't really see it. On the first chorus, he's not trying to make the A either... he's shaking his head in confusion.

To ensure the robots were in sync from the beginning, they had to start in the exact same positions, meaning we often had to 'scare' them with their flinch sensors to reset their bodies prior to starting the program.

To keep them in sync, we had to use Thread.sleeps and just move on to the next action instead of utilizing the waitUntilStop command.

The RS Media

The robots used in there projects are Wowwee Robotics RS Medias. They are programmed in Java and can display photos, play music, and perform other media or mobile tasks.

The Team

The team consists of:
Alex Styler (,
Lucas Coyne (,
Wesley Chu (, and
Mike Edelson (medelson)

All are seniors enrolled in CMU's RI Humanoids course, 16-264.